Proposed and organized by Anne Paulus and Sophie Domont, this exhibition brings together, in the same scenographic space, prints (etchings, lithographs, monotypes…) in dialogue with ceramic sculptures. This exhibition will bring together nearly 80 works by 17 French and international artists.

The idea of such a proposal was born from a double interest of the curator artists for these two means of plastic expressions. It appeared to them that a number of visual artists and collectors have developed complementary sensibilities through contact with these two arts, two mediums which, in each discipline, cover a very broad spectrum of techniques and sensibilities.

Printmaking and ceramics are both arts of transposition and unveiling. Indeed, the artist does not directly see the final work appear before his eyes during the creative process. While the engraver only discovers the print once it has passed through the press, the ceramist must wait until the end of the firing process to open his kiln and see the final result of his work.

Structured as a journey through 7 spaces, the exhibition offers to see works in dialogue with each other, revealing sensitive correspondences.
A 68-page catalog has been published for the occasion. It will be on sale on site and by mail order at

Two free tours/lectures by the curators will be offered to the public on Wednesday, May 26 (official day of the Fête de l’estampe, French Print Festival) and Sunday, June 6, 2021 at 4pm.

Exhibiting artists: Brigitte Banet, Rose Coogan, Sophie Domont, Carina Fihn, Thomas Fouque, Corinne Guého, Marie Heughebaert, Vincent Lallier, Julian Lemousy, Iris Miranda, Anne Paulus, Bernard Remusat, Anne-Marie Rubi, Stéphanie de Saint Marc, Pascale Simonet, Isabelle Thibault and Raúl Villullas.

Curator: Sophie Domont and Anne Paulus
Partners: Ville d’Avray and Crédit Mutuel de Sèvres-Chaville

Download the invitation card and the poster.
This event is part of the program of the Fête de l’estampe, French Printmaking Festival.